Area Source Filament Thermion Emission Flow Density And Uniformity Analysis 面源灯丝的热电子发射电流密度和均匀性分析
Therefore, we have proposed a linear conversion theory on the second harmonic emission from a plasma filament and discovered the intense 2 ω 0 harmonic emission in the direction perpendicular to the density gradient. This is in agreement with the experiments. 在此基础上,我们提出了等离子体细丝的二次谱波线性转换理论,在垂直密度梯度方向有较强的二次谐波发射,这与实验结果较为一致。
Optical Emission Spectroscopy for Hot Filament Diamond Growth Process with Nitrogen Addition In-situ Monitoring of PCVD Diamond Films Growth by Langmuir Probe and Optical Emission Spectroscopy 氮气氛下金刚石薄膜生长过程中的光发射谱研究等离子体化学气相沉积金刚石膜过程中光发射谱和朗谬尔探针原位诊断